Goreme Open Air Museum

Goreme Open Air Museum

Goreme Open Air Museum

The museum, also known as Goreme Ruins, was seen as the center of education until the 13th century. The reason for this is that Saint Basil, the Psychosis of Kayseri, came to this region in the 4th century AD and started a monastic life in the valley when he began to spread his knowledge to people and to raise his own students after a while. Goreme is a rock settlement. Churches, chapels, dining halls, and sitting areas were carved in this settlement. The parts that can be visited in Goreme Open Air Museum are St. Basil Chapel, St. Barbara Chapel, Monks and Nuns Monastery, Dark Church, Buckle Church, Carıklı Church, Apple Church, and Snake Church. The churches in question have geometric decorations that Christians used in their early years. Göreme Open Air Museum is a must-see.
If you need accommodation during this trip, you can choose MDC Hotel.

Goreme Open Air Museum

Saint Basil’s Chapel

Located at the entrance to the museum is an 11th-century chapel. Here Hz. Portrait of Jesus, Hz<. Mary and St. The Childhood of Jesus is depicted. We can also see depictions of 2 saints, St. George Demetrius and St. Theodore.

Saint Basil's Chapel
Goreme Open Air Museum

 Saint Barbara Chapel

The location of the chapel is behind the rock block where Apple Church is located. The motifs inside are painted with red paint. Its dome and walls are decorated with rich geometric motifs. At the same time, we can see military symbols and mythological animals in these drawings. At the same time, there are depictions of St. George and St. Theodore, St. Barbara fighting with the dragon on horseback.

Monastery of Nuns and Priests

It is also known as the Nuns’ Monastery and on the first floor, there are the kitchen, dining hall, and rooms. There is a chapel on the second floor. This chapel is in ruins but in a navigable condition. The connection between the floors in the monastery, which consists of three floors, is provided by tunnels. In a dangerous moment, bolt stones were used to close these tunnels. Unfortunately, the passages between the floors were closed due to erosion in the Monastery of the Monks on the right. Therefore, it is possible to see only a few rooms on the ground floor.

Monastery Priest

Goreme Open Air Museum Churches

There are many churches in Goreme Open Air Museum. Before the Roman Empire accept the Christian religion the monks are runaway and build these Churches.

Goreme Open Air Museum: Dark Church

It is called the Dark Church because it receives very little light from a very small window in the Narthex part of the church. The fact that the church was not illuminated ensured that the frescoes inside did not fade and still remain alive. The church, which is estimated to have been built at the end of the 11th century and the beginning of the 12th century, has rich decorations. Deesis, Gospel, Journey to Bethlehem, Birth, Adoration of the Magi, Baptism, Resurrection of Lazarus, Transfiguration, Entrance to Jerusalem, Last Supper, Betrayal, Prophet. Jesus on the Cross, St. The Descent of Jesus to Hell, Women at the Empty Tomb, Blessing, and Appointment of the Apostles, Hz. There are some scenes from the Torah, such as the Ascension of Jesus, the Hospitality of the Prophet Abraham, and the Burning of Three Jewish Youths.

Goreme Open Air Museum

Tokalı Church

The Buckle Church, which is estimated to have been built at the end of the century and the beginning of the 11th century, is the oldest rock church in this region and consists of 4 places. The single-nave Old Church, the New Church, the church below the Old Church, and the side chapel to the north of the New Church are the 4 places mentioned. Drawings from the life of St. Basil, depictions of many saints, and Hz. It is possible to see the miracles of Jesus and his life cycle in the drawings on the wall.

Goreme Open Air Museum

Carıklı Church

The most important feature of the church is St. The crucifixion and removal of Jesus from the cross. The similarities between the Apple Church and the Dark Church are striking detail. The reason why it is called the Carıklı Church is –according to the rumor – Hz. They are the footprints under the scene of Jesus’ ascension.

Elmalı Church

There is a tunnel opened from the north to enter the church. According to estimates, it was built in the middle of the 11th century or the beginning of the 12th century. Another striking detail is that the crosses and motifs on the wall are made with red paint.

Goreme Open Air Museum: Snake Church

The name of the church comes from the drawings of four sinners and naked women attacked by snakes on the wall. The epitaph of the first of these women was destroyed and therefore her crime could not be understood. Since the second woman does not breastfeed her child, snakes bite her in the chest. The third woman was bitten on the mouth for lying and the fourth woman on the ears for disobedience and disobedience. Snake Church was built in the 9th century.




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